The next Troop 735 Court of Honor will take place on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 7 pm. Prior to the COH, please join us at 6:30 p.m. for a Winter Weather "Comfort Food" Covered Dish Supper! Bring your favorite comfort food dishes to share. Check out the sign up sheet on the link below and if you have any questions or concerns, please let Julie Gigante know! I can be reached at or at 364-4485.
Location: Shady Grove United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 7 pm
We are asking people to sign up for dishes by going to the following website. You may need to create an account in order to access the sign up (I’m not sure, because this is a new format for us). Please enter a valid email address, so that we can continue to use this format for future Courts of Honors, or other events where we might need to track food contributions.
Click here at Signup Genius website and when prompted, enter the password “EAGLE.”
Reminder – Stew Prep @ 6 pm, Feb. 4 at the Church Fellowship Hall. Bring your family to help, bring cutting boards, knives, but especially lots of peelers!
Reminder – We still have 9 boxes of Butter Lite Popcorn for sale at $18.00 each. To help the troop’s finance effort, please consider purchasing a box of leftover popcorn. Particularly if you or your family did not sell any popcorn this year, this would be a great way to support the troop! If you would like to buy a box, contact Julie Gigante at 364-4485, We will bring boxes to sell at the Court of Honor.
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